About Battery
Service Instruction
Service Instruction
- The battery storage area should be kept at a temperature of 18-25 °C and sparking works should not be done.
- The battery should not be turned sideways or upside down during storage and transportation. While storing the batteries, contact with the ground should be cut off. For this, wooden pallets should be used on the base.
- When installing the battery to the vehicle, the (+) Plus Terminal must be connected first. When removing the battery from the vehicle, the (-) Negative Terminal must be removed first.
- Depending on the production technology, the battery may lose water during its use. PURE WATER must be added when the electrolyte level reaches the minimum (min.) line in batteries that require maintenance (with a plug). Adding PURE WATER should be made up to the maximum (max.) line.
- In batteries with a charge indicator (belonging to a single cell), it is possible to monitor the status of the battery according to the color of the indicator.
Green Color: Battery is charged
Black Color : Battery needs charging
White Color: Indicates that distilled water should be added in well-maintained batteries, and that the battery should be changed in maintenance-free batteries.
- The battery should always be kept clean and the gas discharge holes should not be blocked. The battery should not be installed in the vehicle with its packaging.
- During the engine washing process, the battery should be taken under control and contact with water should be prevented by closing the connection points.
- Unused (scrap) batteries should never be thrown away and electrolyte should not be spilled. It must be delivered to the authorized dealer.
Battery Technical Service Equipment
Esan Battery 48V 30A Battery Charger
To charge the battery;
1. Plug in the rectifier power cord.
2. When the +/- cable ends are free, the input fuse is removed, the 'start' button is pressed. Turn the amperage adjustment pot a little to the right. Set the battery level switch to position 1. Turn the volt adjustment pot to the right until 16.2 V is displayed on the screen.
3. Connect the + cable (red) to the (+) terminal of the battery, the - cable (black) to the (–) terminal of the battery.
4. Rectifier output fuse is removed. How many amperes the battery will be charged from the battery charging table is adjusted by turning the amperage pot to the right.
5. Set how many hours to charge from the time clock
6. Adjusted over time;
- When it comes to the voltage value, the amperage will automatically return to zero.
- The rectifier will turn off automatically when the set time is up.
7. If desired, the working rectifier can be stopped manually by pressing the 'stop' button.
8. When the electricity is cut off, the rectifier does not work by itself. It is started by pressing the 'Start' button.
9. After the battery is charged;
- The rectifier will turn off automatically or it is turned off by pressing the 'stop' button.
- Output fuse is turned off.
- The step switch is brought to the '0' position.
- Turn the amp and volt pot to the left to the '0' position.
- Remove the (–) terminal first and then the (+) terminal from the battery.
- If the battery is not charged, the rectifier volt setting is adjusted to a value close to the upper voltage limit and the process is repeated as of item 2.
Esan Battery Tester (Loaded shunt);
- The device cable ends are connected to the battery to be controlled (+ end to the positive pole of the battery, - end to the negative pole of the battery).
- Current is drawn from the battery for 10 seconds according to the battery capacity. (1st Tier, 2nd Tier)
- The voltage of the battery is monitored during current draw.
- According to the voltage value, it is decided whether the battery is defective or not.
Hydrometer (Density Meter);
- Electrolyte is drawn from the battery cell to the device by vacuum.
- The density of the electrolyte is measured from the scale of values in the hydrometer.
Pen Voltmeter;
- The open circuit voltage of the battery is measured with a pen voltmeter.
- Pen voltmeter + tip is touched to the positive pole of the battery, - the cable end is touched to the negative pole of the battery.
- The value read on the device is the open circuit voltage of the battery